
general info:
I have copyright over these photos. I do not want anything I make to be used as training data for machine learning. If you wanted to print one of these or like use them in a collage or something, I'd like you to contact me to get a higher resolution file. I expect for some of these (hobbiton) I agreed to only take them for personal use in the first place anyway. My personal use is your personal use.

a note about land:
Winnipeg, Oak Hammock Marsh, and Spruce Woods Park are in treaty 1 land and the Whiteshell Park is in treaty 3 land; these include the Anishinaabe, Anisininew, Cree, and Dakota peoples' land, and the Métis homeland. New Zealand is Aotearoa, the homeland of the Māori.
I take a lot of pictures of nature without any other people or human structures; my hope is that this isn't taken as fetishizing terra nullius, an untouched wilderness. Humans have been everywhere, people have lived in these places forever, and obv I'm always there, holding a camera.

A note about animal products:
I'm a vegetarian and I try and use animal products sparingly, with intention. There is gelatin in 35mm film! It's unavoidable. If everyone stopped eating meat and there was no surplus gelatin I would happily never take a film photo again.

A note about bodies, artifacts, and museums:
I haven't uploaded many pictures I have of museum artifacts. I'm torn about showing them off because I think they should be returned. The only pictures of human remains I have uploaded here are the Paris catacombs. I feel comfortable posting those because it's French remains being displayed in France, and the context of why and when they were moved there. You will never see me posting mummified remains that have been relocated to European museums for example.

A note about travel:
I guess I basically think, in travelling for fun in the 21st century, in an era of climate change and covid, I am enagaging in unethical behaviour! I am doing my best to sort out how to approach this also sparingly and with intention.

A note about street photography:
I try as a rule not to take pictures including strangers' faces. There's a couple exceptions in here of people performing, looking at the same thing I'm looking at, or hanging out in a nice landscape that I want to photograph.

i made an email for photo stuff specifically:

he or they please
